Person using a ham radio setup inside a red case labeled "B.O.B. Sr," with a laptop open showing radio software.

Become a Net Control Operator

Net Control (NCO)

Logo of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association with "N1QC" and outline of New Hampshire.

Join the Net as a Control Operator

An easy way to get more involved in the club is by volunteering as a Net Control Operator (NCO). Being an NCO is a fun and simple way to practice radio communication skills and manage radio traffic. No prior experience is necessary, as club members can help train you and provide all the necessary resources, including scripts, tracking check-ins, and one-on-one training to get you up to speed.

As an NCO for GSARA, we want to ensure you have the best experience. We will work to ease you into the process, answer any questions or concerns you may have, and provide assistance with equipment if needed.

You don’t need any prior experience to be an NCO. Our nets are informal, and all check-ins appreciate your efforts, whether first or 5000th Net.

We have a team of existing Net Control Operators, and we will work with you gradually to help you get comfortable. If you prefer to be an alternate or work on a rotation, we can offer flexible times and days to help balance work and personal life."

Cartoon of a person with headphones using radio equipment, appearing confused or concerned.

Not sure you can commit fully? Then being a guest net controller might be an option!

We understand that many individuals lead busy lives, making it challenging to commit to a regular NCO role. However, for those who still have a strong desire to become an NCO, we are pleased to offer the opportunity to serve as a Guest Net Controller.

We are more than willing to collaborate with you to identify a flexible schedule that suits your needs. To take advantage of this opportunity, kindly utilize the net control form located to the right, complete it, and choose the option "I would like to be a surprise guest net control."

Following this, our coordinator will reach out to you to discuss further details.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our NCO Team will work with you to get set up. Usually, a modest Mobile 2m Radio and a good antenna will help. Again, our team can help with that.

  • When our NCO Team trains you, they will provide the link to our online document share, which includes sample scripts, check-in tracking, and other documents to help you run the net.

  • Our Nets usually run for 30 minutes. We on average, have 8 to 10 check-ins and run two rounds

Want to join our Net Control Team?

Fill out our Request form and our NCO Coordinator will get back to you