Member of the Month

GSARA owes its success to members like you, who have contributed to making it an excellent platform for Amateur Radio enthusiasts. As a club, we seek to showcase your experience in the hobby and encourage other members to learn more about each other. If you're interested in participating, kindly send an email to


member of the month eric pfeifer member of the month eric pfeifer

Steven DiPirro (KC1OSX)

I spend most of my time with SSB phone on the HF bands and is what I enjoy most. I have played around with digital voice modes like C4FM/Fusion and DSTAR as well as APRS, and more recently, since joining ARES, various digital modes on VHF and HF with fldigi and Winlink. I enjoy portable operation as a means to experiment with different portable setups for fun but that might also come in handy for ARES and emergency comms. I would like to learn CW at some point but so far haven't had the time to commit to learning it. I am definitely interested in learning more about antenna design and modeling. I really enjoy helping new hams and prospective hams and do this in online forums as well as locally.

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