Casey Collins (KC1NID)

How long have you been a Ham?

I earned my Technician's license in the spring of 2020. The pandemic afforded me plenty of time to study, and GSARA found ways to continue VE sessions when most were canceled.

What mode(s) within Amateur Radio do you enjoy operating?

I plan to spend more time operating portable. I started last year and enjoyed it while camping. This year, I am going to do more POTA and maybe give SOTA a try.

Describe your involvement with GSARA.

My involvement with GSARA started with the repeater. A few weeks before I tested, K1XF started the nightly net. I had been listening with my Baofeng and once i was licensed the folks on the net became my first contacts. Saturday morning get-togethers in the garden behind the library evolved into the barn and breakfasts. I enjoyed the meetings and the activities, especially the field day and POTA meetups.

What is one piece of advice you would give a new Ham?

Join a club!


Mike Sousa (KB1QVO)


Jeanne Martin (KC1SPX)