Keith Schoeppler (AC1RH)
How long have you been a Ham?
Coming up on my first year this November
What mode(s) within Amateur Radio do you enjoy operating?
I want to learn CW at some point. Not at all interested in "FT-whatever"” but CW is definitely something I would like to get to know since it is such a classic staple of ham radio. I would also like to learn more about ham radio in general since I still feel very novice in my knowledge overall. I am the world's least knowledgeable Extra-class license holder.
Describe your involvement with GSARA.
I just joined the club. I attended my first meeting last month in person, and I participated in our last meeting this past Friday over Zoom. I plan on getting involved with the POTA activities that GSARA sponsors.
What is one piece of advice you would give a new Ham?
Don't be afraid to try new things and ask lots of questions. There is no such thing as a dumb question in this hobby.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I only have my page and my POTA profile page.