* As Adopted October 9, 2009, *


1. Name

This Nonprofit Association shall be known as the GRANITE STATE AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION (INC.) Herein, known as the “Association” or “GSARA.”

2. Objectives

A. The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the principles and interests of good Amateur Radio operation, provide public service emergency communications, and from time to time sponsor educational programs for those interested in becoming Radio Amateurs.

B. The Association may operate and maintain one or more proper and legal Amateur Radio repeaters. When deemed appropriate by its Executive Board, the Association may appropriate funds to assist in procuring equipment necessary to maintain proper repeater operation.


1. Acceptance and Categories

Membership commences upon approval of an application presented to the Executive Board and the payment of dues. A member shall not be considered in “good standing” until the annual payment of dues has been received. The membership year is established from January 1 through December 31. There shall be six (6) membership categories with privileges as delineated in the GSARA bylaws.

A. Full Membership

B. Family Membership

C. Unlicensed Membership

D. Contributory Membership

E. Honorary Membership

F. Honorary Lifetime Membership Constitution of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/21/09 1 of 8 (ARTICLE II Continued)

2. Termination

A. Membership may be terminated upon written request from the member concerned.

B. By order of the Executive Board after a thorough review of the circumstances, if the conduct of the member is such to bring discredit upon the Association and Amateur Radio in general.

C. Upon failure to pay dues.

D. Family membership shall cease should the principal licensed family member fail to pay dues unless another eligible family member becomes the principal member by paying full dues.

E. Any member with his or her F.C.C. Amateur Radio License revoked shall automatically be considered as tendering his or her resignation from the Association. 3. Reinstatement Membership may be reinstated upon reapplication by the person concerned and subject to any mutually agreed conditions between the parties as imposed by the Executive Board. Persons applying for reinstatement must be otherwise eligible for Membership as specified under Article II and Part 2 of the GSARA By-Laws.


1. Executive Board

Administration and operation of the GSARA are under the general supervision of the Executive Board:

A. The Executive Board shall consist of five elected officers who shall be Full Members in good standing holding a valid FCC Amateur Radio License.

B. Only one immediate family or household member may be a member of the Executive Board.

2. Elected Officers

The five elected officers of the GSARA shall be:

A. President

B. Vice President

C. Secretary

D. Treasurer

E. Membership Coordinator

3. Positions Appointed by the Executive Board

A. Property Trustee

B. Repeater Trustee

4. Other Trustees and Committees

Other Trustees and Committees may be appointed for a specific reason and duration of time as prescribed in the GSARA By-Laws.

5. Terms of Office

A. Officers The term of office for all officersʼ positions shall be from the close of the November Annual Meeting thru the following year’s November Annual Meeting.

B. Appointed Positions The terms of each appointed position shall be from his or her appointment, not to extend past the commencement of the November Annual Meeting, but subject to earlier limits as established by the Executive Board.

6. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association shall be from January 1 through December 31.


1. Duties of the President

A. To conduct all meetings.

B. To acquire a working knowledge of parliamentary law and procedure Roberts Rules of Order and a thorough understanding of the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws, and standing rules and Boards.

C. To announce all Association business at meetings.

D. To perform such other duties as prescribed in the Association By-Laws.

E. To vote only to break a tie. Constitution of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/21/09 3 of 8 (ARTICLE IV Continued)

2. Duties of the Vice President

A. In the absence of the President, presides and performs the duties of the President.

B. To conduct and retain correspondence as directed by the Executive Board.

C. Perform duties and lead specific projects as assigned by the President.

D. To acquire a working knowledge of parliamentary law and procedure, Roberts Rules of Order, and a thorough understanding of the Associationʼs Constitution, By-Laws, and standing rules and Boards.

5. Duties of the Treasurer

will receive, disperse, and account for all the monies in the Association treasury as specifically delineated in the By-Laws.

6. Duties of the Secretary

shall be responsible for taking and keeping all minutes of the meetings, making them available to the membership. Other responsibilities and duties as specifically delineated in the By-Laws.

7. Duties of the Membership Coordinator

The Membership Coordinator shall be responsible for keeping specific records of all dues-paying members and other responsibilities and duties as specifically delineated in the By-Laws

8. Treasurer Pro Tem

The Executive Board may appoint a Treasurer Pro Tem from Full Members in good standing. The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer Pro Tem are delineated in the GSARA By-Laws.

9. Property Trustee

The Executive Board shall appoint a Property Trustee from members in good standing. The duties and responsibilities of the Property Trustee are delineated in the GSARA By-Laws.

10. Repeater Trustee

The Executive Board shall appoint a Repeater Trustee from members in good standing. The duties and responsibilities of the Repeater Trustee are delineated in the GSARA By-Laws. Constitution of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/21/09 4 of 8


1. Annual Meeting

A. An Annual Meeting will be held each year during November to elect new Association officers.

B. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern.

2. Elections

A. Before the actual vote, the membership status of all persons wishing to vote will be established. Only eligible voters will be provided with a ballot.

B. Those members who are eligible to vote but unable to attend the Annual Meeting may vote by postal mail, signed letter, or absentee ballot only. E-mail or verbal proxy votes will not be honored.

C. Eligible members may request absentee ballots to vote. The membership status of a person wishing to vote will be established before the ballot is sent.

D. A signed letter or Absentee Ballot by the member eligible to vote and desiring to vote shall be returned to the Secretary before the start of the Annual Meeting.

E. Members may "write in" names not previously nominated for candidates of their choice.

F. Should there be only one candidate for each office, the Secretary may cast one vote for the slate of officers and call for a voice vote for confirmation.

G. The newly elected Officers will take office following the close of the November Annual Meeting and serve through the end of the following November Annual Meeting.



1. Replacement Should a member of the Executive Board resign or otherwise be unable to complete his or her term, or per Article III and Article IV, then:

A. The remaining Board Members shall appoint that officersʼ tentative replacement.

B. The Executive Board shall notify the membership of a vote to occur no sooner than (15) fifteen days nor later than (90) ninety days to affirm the Executive Boardʼs choice by a simple majority of the membership in attendance.

C. The replacement officer shall fill the position through the end of the remaining term. Constitution of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/21/09 5 of 8



1. Executive Board The Executive Board will meet at the call of the President or any three Board members. To conduct business, at least three voting members must be present. Action by the Executive Board will be by the majority of the total members present.

2. Meetings

A. General Meetings General meetings will be held periodically as determined by the membership.

B. Special Meetings The Executive Board may call a Special Meeting of the Association at any time with either written or e-mail notification of the membership by the Secretary.

C. Quorum

A quorum must exist at any general or special meeting to transact any business (that is defined as other than Elections, Constitutional matters, and Disbandment). Twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership must be present. A majority vote or fifty-one percent (51%) of the eligible members present will be sufficient to approve or disapprove of any action or decide any issue.

D. Absentee Voting The Secretary may vote in favor of or against any action or issue for each written correspondence or e-mail received from members who cannot attend a meeting. The Secretary will no longer reveal to anyone the substance of a member s voting position before the formal vole.

E. Secret Ballot In the case of a secret ballot, the Secretary shall announce the number of correspondence and e-mails received before the issuance of ballots and that those votes will be added to the vote totals at the end and before announcing the results of the vote. E-mail, correspondence, or proxy votes will not be allowed, accepted, or considered under any circumstances for accepting amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws ,and voting for disbandment. Constitution of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/21/09


1. Any requested changes to this Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board for review and recommendation at the next regular Executive Board meeting.

2. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing at the Executive Board's general meeting and voted on at the subsequent general meeting.

3. This Constitution may be altered by an affirmative vote of three-quarters of the eligible members in attendance. Voting on amendments shall be accomplished in person at any general or special meeting.

4. The Membership shall be notified at least twenty-one (21) days before voting on any proposed changes. Voting shall be accomplished in person at any general or special meeting. The meeting's date, time, and place must also be specified.

5. In the case where there is a failure to gain a quorum at a general or special meeting, following that meeting, additional votes may be cast by mail or e-mail. The Secretary shall inform the full membership of the results of the Amendment vote.

6. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board, at least once every four years, to review and report on the Constitution and By-Laws.


1. The Association may be disbanded by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members eligible to vote.

2. The Membership must be notified at least twenty-one (21) days before any proposed disbandment.

3. Voting shall be accomplished in person at any general or special meeting. The meeting's date, time, and place must also be specified.

4. In the event of disbandment, cash assets remaining after all debts are paid shall be donated to the American Radio Relay League Foundation Inc.

5. Physical assets shall be returned to those who donated the equipment or if the original donor cannot be located in a reasonable period, then the Property Trustee will be empowered to facilitate a donation to other Amateur Radio Clubs who have like equipment.

Ratification This Constitution shall supersede all previous versions of the GSARA Constitution. It was amended and adopted by the Membership of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association Inc.

Constitution of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/21/09