SYP - Hunting CW in the Park

Thank you all for coming to the summer code buddy POTA CW hunt. We have all been meeting together and practicing our code diligently, and it was nice to see us get out into the field and make some contacts. This get-together reminded me how much we can accomplish and learn from each other.

Elmers helped new operators and new operators listen and practice enthusiastically to carry on past traditions and fill the air with the beautiful sounds of Morse code. I was genuinely inspired by how many folks came to the park interested in learning or making CW POTA contacts.

As a group, some of us earned the Support Your Parks Hunter award for the day with only a straight key and a portable rig set atop a hill in Derryfield Park in Manchester. We had a lovely sunny summer day with a cool breeze and many hands to make light work of the setup and tear down the tent and equipment.

I look forward to many more events where code buddies and friends can all get together and do fun amateur radio activities. Keep an eye on the club calendar because I have another one planned for December. 

73 everyone 

Timothy Cates (KC1QDK )


Code Buddies in the Park - Testing a Buddipole Antenna for 6 Meters