* As Adopted October 9, 2009, *
1. Whereas Administration and operation of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association herein also known as the" Association" and the "GSARA," is under the general supervision of the Executive Board consisting of the five elected officers of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association with duties and responsibilities that are specified in the Granite State Amateur Radio Constitution and these By-Laws.
The Elected Positions are:
A. President B. Vice President C. Secretary D. Treasurer E. Membership Coordinator
2. Membership
A. Term Membership commences upon approval of the membership application by the Executive Board and the payment of dues. A full membership year is established from January 1 through December 31.
B. Categories There shall be six (6) categories of membership:
1) Category 1 - Full Membership
a. Entitled to the full privileges of the Association.
b. Accorded voting rights according to the Association voting procedures.
c. May hold elective office. d. Must be a current FCC licensed Radio Amateur and be in good standing with the Association.
e. All licensed Radio Amateurs of a household paying the dues under a family membership shall be considered full members.
f. Dues shall be as designated by Part 3 in the By-Laws. By-Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 1 of 8 (Part 2, Sect. B Continued)
2) Category 2 - Family Membership
a. All licensed Radio Amateurs in a single household paying dues under a family membership are considered full members and shall be accorded rights and privileges of full members.
b. A “single household” shall be defined as an immediately related family living in the same dwelling unit.
c. Any Member of a household paying the dues under a family member who is NOT a licensed Radio Amateur shall be considered an unlicensed member.
d. Family membership shall cease should the principal licensed family member fail to pay dues or unless another eligible family member becomes the principal member by paying full dues.
e. Dues shall be as designated by Part 3 in the By-Laws.
3) Category 3 - Unlicensed Membership
a. This membership category is primarily intended for those not licensed but interested in Amateur Radio.
b. Members in this category may participate in all meeting activities and bring matters before the membership.
c. Shall be accorded all privileges of the Association except may not vote or hold office and may not make or second a motion.
d. Dues shall be as designated by Part 3 in the By-Laws.
4) Category 4 - Contributing Membership
a. The category of Contributing Member shall be open to Radio Amateurs desiring to participate in Association activities but not in Association Management.
b. Shall be accorded all privileges of the Association except may not vote or hold office and may not make or second a motion. Other restrictions as prescribed in the By-Laws.
c. May participate in all meetings and activities and bring matters before the membership.
d. Dues shall be as designated by Part 3 in the By-Laws. By-Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 2 of 8 (Part 2, Sect. B Continued)
5) Category 5 - Honorary Membership
a. The Executive Board may bestow this honor on any individual in recognition of his or her service or contributions to the greater Amateur Radio Community in perpetuity.
b. May participate in all meetings and activities.
c. May not vote or hold office. May not make or second a motion.
d. There shall be no dues assessed for this membership category.
6) Category 6 - Lifetime Honorary Membership
a. The Executive Board may bestow this honor, on a member, past or current, in recognition of his or her extraordinary service or contributions to the Association.
b. Such membership shall be considered a Full Membership as described above with all rights and privileges.
c. There shall be no dues for this membership category for the recipient's lifetime.
3. Membership Dues
A. The annual dues of the Association become due and payable on September 30 for the following year to facilitate budgeting requirements. Members not renewing their membership by December 31 will be dropped from the Association enrollment as of January 1 (the following day).
B. The Executive Board will assess the financial status of the Association and make a formal recommendation when appropriate to the general membership by mail or email twenty-one (21) days before a vote to modify dues.
C. The revised dues structure shall be commensurate with the financial needs of the Association.
D. A motion to accept or reject the revised dues structure will be adopted upon a simple fifty-one percent (51%) majority vote of the eligible members. By-Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 3 of 8 (Part 3 Continued)
E. The Executive Board is authorized to institute a prorated dues structure of one-twelfth (1/12) the full membership times the remaining months left in the calendar year.
F. An adjustment in membership dues shall be credited or charged if a member changes their membership category. This adjustment shall be prorated.
G. No refund shall be given to a member who voluntarily chooses to terminate his or her membership.
H. No refund shall be given to a member involuntarily terminated for just cause as described in Article II, Section B of the Constitution.
4. Officersʼ Duties:
A. President's Duties are as prescribed in the GSARA Constitution.
B. Vice President's Duties are as prescribed in the GSARA Constitution.
C. Secretary In addition to those duties prescribed in the GSARA Constitution, the Secretary shall:
1) Take minutes of the meetings.
2) Read the minutes of the previous meeting.
3) Read important correspondence.
4) Record the name and call sign of the member who introduced a motion.
5) Notify committees of their appointments.
6) Call a meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice President.
7) Have a list of all officers, board members, and general membership.
8) Notify all members of meetings.
9) Keep the Association's corporation status current with the State of New Hampshire.
10) Keep the Association's ARRL Affiliation current with the ARRL. By-Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 4 of 8 (Part 4 Continued)
D. Treasurer In addition to those duties prescribed in the GSARA Constitution, the Treasurer shall:
1) Receive and take charge of all monies due to the Association.
2) Keep bookkeeping records of such funds.
3) Pay bills whenever possible by check
4) Give a complete financial report at the Annual Meeting.
5) State finances at each Association meeting.
6) Ensure that expenditures over $100.00 are pre-approved by the Executive Board.
E. Membership Coordinator The Membership Coordinator shall:
1) Keep records of all dues-paying members, including at a minimum: Name, Current Call Sign, Current Addresses, Phone Numbers, E-mail addresses, License Class, Category of Membership, and ARRL Membership.
2) Maintain records of all honorary members and their relevant information.
3) Notify members when dues are due.
4) Perform exit interviews of those members who chose not to renew.
5) Initiate membership drives.
6) Report on the status of paid-up membership at designated intervals.
5. Positions Appointed by the Executive Board
A. Treasurer Pro Tem The Executive Board may appoint a Treasurer Pro Tem reporting directly to the Executive Board whose duty shall be to assume the duties of the Treasurer in the Treasurerʼs absence.
B. Property Trustee The Executive Board shall appoint a Property Trustee reporting directly to the Executive Board whose duties are:
1) Receive non-monetary donations, acquire, sell or dispose of property as directed by Executive Board
2) Inventory, store and distribute property for membership use as appropriate. By Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 5 of 8 (Part 5, Sect B Continued)
3) Maintaining a record of the Associationʼs property, locations, serial numbers and descriptions.
4) Distribute Association property as directed by the Executive Board and oversee return of property to its owners in the event of Association disbandment.
C. Repeater Trustee The Executive Board shall appoint a Repeater Trustee reporting directly to the Executive Board whose duties are:
1) Assure compliance with Federal Communications Commission licensing and regulatory requirements.
2) Acquire and maintain all Association call signs for repeaters and special uses.
3) Coordinate Repeater with New England Spectrum Management Council.
4) Assure proper function of the repeater and associated equipment and keep maintenance logs thereof.
5) Keep records of all repeater related correspondence.
6) Appoint and oversee Repeater Control Operators and a Repeater Committee to assist with assigned duties.
7) Coordinate inventory of repeater and associated equipment with Property Trustee.
8) Report to the Executive Committee on situations such as misuse, interference and poor repeater operating practices.
6. Removal Of Officers For Just Cause A. Procedure
1) Any officer may be removed from office for cause, upon written petition of six (6) or more Full Members. Such petition shall be presented to the Executive Board.
2) The Executive Board or its designee shall, after confirming the membership status of each petitioner and investigating the allegations on which the petition is based, report to the membership at the next regularly scheduled general meeting or a duly called Special Meeting of the Association membership. Such report shall contain all pertinent information which the Board has found and shall be accompanied by the Boardsʼ recommendation for action by the membership. By Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 6 of 8 (Part 6, Sect A Continued)
3) Sufficient time for discussion of the issues involved shall be allowed before the vote. An affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the ballots cast by Full Members present, shall be required to remove the officer.
4) All Full Members shall be notified in writing at least one week before the meeting that such a petition will be presented. Removal of any officer from office will automatically remove that officer from the Executive Board.
7. Resignation of Officers
A. Submission The resignation of any elected officer must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and is contingent upon all office duties being current and in good order.
B. Vacant Offices Should a vacancy occur in any elected office, for any reason the Executive Board will appoint a member to fill the remaining term of that office as delineated in the GSARA Constitution.
8. Audit Procedures
The Executive Board will audit the Treasurer's books annually and further make an oral report to the Association at the membership meeting following the audit.
9. Committees
A. Special committees may be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the President and the Executive Board.
B. Committees will function under the direction of and report to the Executive Board unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board.
C. The committees will be appointed for a specific period of time and purpose.
D. All committees and committee appointments shall automatically cease to exist at the next AnnuaI Meeting, but may be reappointed at the discretion of the new incoming President and Executive Board. By Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009 7 of 8
10. Amendments to By Laws
A. These By Laws may be altered by an affirmative vote at a general meeting of fiftyone percent (51%) of the eligible members.
B. The Membership must be notified at least twenty-one (21) days before any proposed changes. Voting shall be accomplished in person at any general or special meeting. The meeting's date, time, and place must also be specified.
C. In the case where there is a failure to gain a quorum at a general or special meeting, following that meeting, additional votes may be cast by mail or e-mail. The Secretary shall inform the full membership of the results of the Amendment vote. Ratification These By Laws shall supersede all previous versions of the GSARA By Laws.
By Laws of the Granite State Amateur Radio Association, Inc. Rev 5/17/2009